Dear Colleagues and Friends, We hope that all of you have arrived home safely! Thank you for making the 10th Joint Meeting of ECFN and & 2nd BulgNR TOGETHER an exciting scientific event! It was an honour and pleasure to welcome you to Sofia, and we hope to see all of you soon! The Organizing Team
All files must be sent via e-mail or file transfer platforms such as WeTransfer to the following e-mail address: alternatively to: Presentations Deadline for submission: 14th June 2023 The maximum size of the file should not exceed: 50 MB Length of presentations: 15 minutes maximum Technical Requirements for the PowerPoint Presentations We have prepared a PowerPoint Presentation template and technical guidelines. For the presentation’s title slide, please follow the template, fill out the predefined fields accordingly and keep the font colour. The design of the subsequent slides is to be developed by the authors according to their original concept.…
Dear Colleagues, please find here information concerning some accommodation options in the proximity of the conference venue: With the support of Fibank, there is an opportunity for reduced reservation prices (135 euros breakfast included for a standard room) in two five stars hotels located near the conference venue: Sense Hotel (Sense Hotel Sofia) Intercontinental Hotel (InterContinental) Since there is a limited number of rooms available, all interested need to contact the Organizing team until 19 March 2023, providing the dates of their stay and the names of the residents. The administration of Fibank will make the booking of the rooms.…
1. Свържете предварително периферните устройства, които смятате да използвате за разговора (например, слушалки с микрофон за мобилен телефон), и се уверете, че работят. Ако използвате лаптоп не е задължително да включите допълнително устройство. 2. Последвайте линка към виртуалната стая, който сте получили. 3. Това ще ви препрати към страница (виж Фиг. 1), която ще ви…
Драги колеги, Както вече ви информирахме, всички автори трябва да изпратят предварителен запис на лекцията си. Ще се радваме да получим видеозаписа не по-късно от 20 септември 2020 г. на имейла на конференцията: Лекцията може да бъде записана от всеки автор или съавтор. Тя трябва да е с продължителност не повече от 15 минути.…